Jeremy Clarkson and His Infamous Ford GT – Jeremy Clarkson, the charismatic and often controversial former host of “Top Gear,” is known for his profound affection for automobiles. Among the many cars he has driven, reviewed, and owned, the Ford GT holds a special place in the annals of his automotive adventures. This vehicle, with its striking design and remarkable performance, became both a dream and a brief nightmare for Clarkson.

The Allure of the Ford GT

The Ford GT is an iconic supercar, inspired by the legendary Ford GT40 that dominated the Le Mans races in the 1960s. Clarkson, a long-time admirer of the GT40, was naturally drawn to the modern iteration. The Ford GT’s powerful V8 engine, stunning aesthetics, and racing heritage made it a must-have for any serious car enthusiast, and Clarkson was no exception.

Clarkson’s Ownership Experience

Clarkson’s ownership of the Ford GT, however, was not without its challenges. Initially, he was thrilled with his purchase, often praising the car’s exhilarating speed and handling. However, his experience soon turned bittersweet due to a series of technical issues. From persistent alarm problems to mechanical faults, his Ford GT was plagued with reliability issues that tested Clarkson’s patience.

Public Drama and Resolution

The saga of Clarkson and his Ford GT became well-known, partly due to his candid recounting of the troubles on “Top Gear” and in his newspaper columns. Despite the frustrations, Clarkson’s affection for the car never waned entirely. Eventually, he decided to part ways with the Ford GT, selling it after less than a year of ownership. This decision was met with mixed emotions, as he considered it one of the most beautiful cars he had ever owned.


Jeremy Clarkson’s relationship with the Ford GT is a classic tale of love and exasperation. While the car’s performance and design initially captivated him, the technical hiccups led to a premature parting of ways. Nevertheless, the Ford GT remains an important chapter in Clarkson’s automotive journey, illustrating both the allure and unpredictability of owning a supercar.